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Load environment variables from .env and ensure they are defined
This package provides tile layer based on XYZ tiling scheme.
This package provides tile layer based on XYZ tiling scheme.
API wrapper for intergating with the Switchboardv2 program on Near
Client to interact with the Flash program on Solana
Free, open-source set of icons!
TypeScript Client API
🍪 Koa cookie parser middleware
A collection of configs, artifacts, and schemas for Hyperlane
Include plugin for Docusaurus.
Access controller that operates on a DB
Switchboard oracle module
Simple conversions between XYZ and RGB, xyY, or Luv color spaces
A color tool library written in Typescript, you can use it to convert color spaces, and operate on colors like LESS/SASS ( darken/lighten, saturate/desaturate, spin, mix), and color difference query. 颜色工具库,支持颜色空间的转换、各种颜色操作、多种色差查询, 支持中国色、日本色的查询
A simple TypeScript/Javascript functions to openai tool call format
Smart contracts for Metrom.
a minimal and modern color library
- oklch
- oklab
- okhsl
- okhsv
- display-p3
- p3
- displayp3
- prophoto
- a98rgb
- adobe1998
- prophotorgb
- color
- colour
- picker
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``` npm i @300k/ts-sdk # or yarn add @300k/ts-sdk ```