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FrontEnd Workflow With Gulp Task Runner
js-beautify for Gulp
Convert YAML to JSON
Convert vinyl file content to string
gulp-hash-filename is a gulp plug-in that adds a hash to the filename based on the content of that file, size of that file, or the file's atime, ctime and mtime.
Optimizing SVG vector graphics files with Gulp
A gulp task that inserts a delay before calling the next function in a chain.
Gulp plugin to compile ect.js template engine.
An opinionated frontend workflow based on jonnitto/gulpfile.js
A gulp plugin to run tasks from multiple gulpfiles
Gulp.js command execution for humans
- gulp
- execa
- gulp-plugin
- gulpjs
- gulpplugin
- bash
- cli
- typescript
- es6
- javascript
- library
- nodejs
- shell
- terminal
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Similar to concat, but creates a file with a list of filenames,not file contents.
Better Gulp plugin for Rollup ES6 module bundler
allow file content manipulations
Simple git-hook integration for your gulp workflows.
Fast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, seamless incremental compilation for rapid development, an opinionated pipeline and workflow, and core support for source maps
- assembler
- builder
- stack
- pipeline
- build tool
- workflow
- source map
- incremental
- config
- react
- webpack
- vue
- grunt
- gulp
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A gulp plugin to transform json files, pipe json files through it and transform them to other json files or other formats.
let there be beverage goods
A simple, opinionated tool to managing your Gulp workflow
Adds zip and upload gulp tasks for a streamlined AWS Lambda workflow