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A stylelint plugin that force it to have app name as prefix
Enforce and question your design system by checking your classes against an approved class list
Lint your WebExtensions
A set of commit message rules followed by the emacs community
Radium plugin that lints your styles
Common TypeScript lint rules/preferences for Family.
A basic generator for pi-* project. Including linter, builder, task runner, etc.
Checks a list of URLs for bad status codes (400+, 500+)
A Gherkin linter/validator written in javascript for usage in browsers
TSLint config for Spartan Code
Shareable stylelint config for datarocket's projects
Runs typescript type checker and linter on separate process.
- webpack
- plugin
- typescript
- type
- checker
- linter
- fork
- fast
- speed
- ts-loader
- awesome-typescript-loader
- increment
- webpack-plugin
BiomeJS configuration
Shareable buildery styleguide config for stylelint
Linter for CSS based on the csscomb
ESLint shareable config for Angular to be used with eslint-config-xo
Fawwaz's ESLint configuration for project that use jest
Shareable flashfix styleguide config for stylelint
Run eslint with watch mode
lint-eastwood, dirty hairy code