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OPEN React-Native SDK lets you seamlessly integrate OPEN Payment Gateway with your Android/iOS React-Native app and start collecting payments from your customers.
React Native wrapper for the Sailthru Mobile Android and iOS SDKs
리액트 네이티브로 사용하는 카카오톡으로 공유하기. Kakao SDK v2를 사용한 카카오 링크(공유).
- react-native
- ios
- android
- kakao-link
- kakao-share
- kakaosdk-v2
- react-native-kakao-link
- react-native-kakao-share
- react-native-kakao-share-link
A JavaScript bridge to the native iOS and Android Contentsquare SDKs, for React Native apps.
react native geocoding and reverse geocoding
setSoftInputMode on Android
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-native-set-soft-input-mode
- setSoftInputMode
- SoftInputMode
- android
Android and iOS module for react-native to read IDFA (advertising identifier)
- react-native-idfa
- react-component
- react-components
- react
- native
- idfa
- advertisingIdentifier
- react-native
- component
- ios
- android
Radio button component for React Native
Expose native build config to JS
The 😎smart , 📦tiny , and 🎗flexible bottom sheet your app craves 🚀
- react-native
- ios
- android
- bottom-sheet
- react-native-bottom-sheet
- devvie-bottom-sheet
- @devvie/bottom-sheet
- tiny-bottom-sheet
- flexible-bottom-sheet
- modal-bottom-sheet
- sheet
- ui-sheet
React Native Spring Payment Gateway SDK
A library to parse Android application manifest and signature
React Native Modals Library for IOS & Android.
- dialog
- popup
- react dialog
- react-native
- react-native-modals
- react-native-dialog
- react native dialog
- modals
- react-component
- ios
- android
React Native Wrapper for Latest LinkedIn Mobile SDK for Sign-In / Auth and API Access
React native module for the Button SDK
Awesome alert for React Native iOS, android and web
React Native Push Notification Popup Component
Sunmi P2 utilities and Plugpag wrapper for React Native
Polyfill for svh, dvh and lvh CSS viewport units
React-Native library to query and manage bluetooth state of the device (iOS and Android)