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Postgres plugin for knorm
The ProcessCube Engine. Stores and executes BPMNs.
postgres for fragments: migration commands, auto generated mesa tables, data accessor functions and more
Docker-based PostgreSQL developer environment with Graphile Migrate
Use Sequelize in ActionHero
Cabin is the best self-hosted JavaScript and Node.js logging service.
- airbrake
- analytics
- app
- boilerplate
- bugsnag
- bunyan
- cabin
- chalk
- color
- colored
- console
- dashboard
- express
- framework
- View more
PostgreSQL client library for Node.js which exposes all features of wire protocol
A collection of status code enums
Parse PostgreSQL csvlog format logs.
Generate Drizzle schema from Prisma schema
Populate a SQL database with fixture data
Fork of schemats - Generate typescript interface definitions from (postgres) SQL database schema
A pluggable, hierarchical, asynchronous config loader and post processor with support for environment variables, command line arguments, json, javascript, http, vault, etcd and postgres
- configuration
- loader
- asynchronous
- hierarchical
- watch
- file
- environment
- command
- line
- arguments
- http
- vault
- etcd
- postgres
Partisan - CLI migration tool for PostgreSQL
Safe number parsing for pg and Sequelize.
A prometheus exporter for node-postgres
- pg
- node-postgres
- postgres
- prometheus
- monitoring
- metrics
- pg prometheus
- pg monitoring
- pg metrics
- node-postgres prometheus
- node-postgres monitoring
- node-postgres metrics
- postgres prometheus
- postgres monitoring
IPC over PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY/UNLISTEN exposed as an EventEmitter
A Knex.js backend for node_acl
Type Driven Database Framework
Stack Overflow style database migrations for PostgreSQL