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A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript
我的世界工具箱(Minecraft-MC-Tools)支持搜索百科,查询服务器,查询 MC 最新版本和玩家皮肤等功能
official sensorsdata javascript sdk
Norm Axios 是一个基于 Axios 的约定式请求库,提供了约定式的请求方式与强大的 Hook API,帮助你更高效的开发。
Mind map (brain map) plugin based on Joplin I have used mind mapping solutions including PlantUML, but I still feel that the mind map cannot be presented well. Based on my being a loyal user of Leanote, I found that Kity Minder's mind mapping tool is not
This is a library that can easily help you manage request states, supporting common features such as SWR, polling, error retry, caching, and pagination, etc.
```json{4} { "ant-design-vue": "^3", "less": "^4.2.0", "vite": ">=2.9.1", "vxe-table": "^4" } ``` **npm**
一个基于 vue 的 PC 端表格UI库,解决万级数据渲染卡顿问题,过万数据点击全选卡顿,等等问题
通过 JSON Schema 生成标准 Form,常用于自定义搭建配置界面生成
一款好用的 Canvas 引擎,革新的开发体验,可用于高效绘图 、UI 交互(小游戏、互动应用、组态)、图形编辑。
novel-segment segment data
- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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Linux Command
Daily automatic submission of urls to baidu and Google bing
used to obtain location from the browser
JS plugin of preview PDF for mobile. web/h5/移动端PDF预览手势缩放插件