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Lightbox Photo Grid and Slideshow component for Vue.Js
Quill Rich Text Editor component for Vue.js
- vue-quill-editor
- v-quill-editor
- vue quill editor
- vue bubble editor
- vue editor
- vue WYSIWYG editor
- WYSIWYG editor
- Rich Text Editor
- Vue Rich Text Editor
- vue quill
- bubble editor
Vue Markdown Editor component for Vue.js
- vue markdown editor
- markdown editor
- mardown editor vue
- vue markdown
- vue-markdown
- markdown-editor
- vue markdown componenet
- vuejs markdown editor
- bootstrap markdown editor
This is a component for Vue.js to utilize YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Coub iframe embed API easily.
- vue video embed
- vue youtube embed
- vue vimeo embed
- vue embed
- vue dailymotion embed
- vue coub embed
- vue youku embed
Smooth Scrollbar directive for Vue.js
- vue smooth scrollbar
- smooth scrollbar
- scrollbar
- vue scrollbar
- vue scrollbar directive
- vue-scrollbar
- v-scrollbar
- v-smooth-scrollbar
AngularJS virtual scrolling module
- angular
- angularjs
- angular.ui
- angular-ui
- ui.scroll
- ui-scroll
- angular-ui-scroll
- virtual
- unlimited
- infinite
- live
- perpetual
- scroll
- scroller
Perfect Scrollbar directive for Vue.js
- vue perfect scrollbar
- perfect scrollbar
- scrollbar
- vue scrollbar
- vue scrollbar directive
- vue-scrollbar
- v-scrollbar
- v-perfect-scrollbar
W(ei)X(in) -- (minimalist) WeChat Middleware for Express.js
get some cool ascii faces ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
a simple js lib just like asciinema
Color extension
Quill Rich Text Editor component for Vue.js
- vue-quill-editor
- v-quill-editor
- vue quill editor
- vue bubble editor
- vue editor
- vue WYSIWYG editor
- WYSIWYG editor
- Rich Text Editor
- Vue Rich Text Editor
- vue quill
- bubble editor
Create sprites automatically with Glue, but the grunt way!
novel-segment segment data
- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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A common util collection for antv projects
实现 material you 设计规范的 Web Components 组件库
Jiami FrontEnd helpers and Services