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Detect the language of text
Detect the language of text
ECC JS code based on JSBN
Utilities for creating robust overlay components
TypeScript definitions for jsbn
User validations for npm
A simpler static site generator.
- static-site-generator
- static-site
- ssg
- documentation
- website
- jekyll
- blog
- templates
- generator
- framework
- eleventy
- 11ty
- html
- markdown
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Detect the language of text
Library to work against complex domain names, subdomains and URIs.
Fetch and locally cache remote API calls and assets.
Low level internal utilities to be shared amongst Eleventy projects
A plugin for creating hierarchical navigation in Eleventy projects. Supports breadcrumbs too!
Generate an Atom, RSS, or JSON feed with Eleventy.
Platform agnostic wrappers for the Search Box, Address Autofill, and Geocoding APIs.
Low level utility to perform build-time image transformations.
Provides the functionality needed for a client to use HTTP Basic or Digest authentication. Also provides primitives for parsing WWW-Authenticate and Authentication_Info headers.
See, or
A WebGL interactive maps library
Search web component with form autocomplete.
Prism.js based syntax highlighting for Markdown, Liquid, Nunjucks, WebC, and 11ty.js templates.