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23 packages found
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Tiny LiveReload server, background-friendly
Tiny LiveReload server, background-friendly
Mini LiveReload server, background-friendly
Ushahidi Platform Pattern Library
A generator for IC
Refresh your CSS (or page) with each save via LiveReload.
LiveReload plugin for Hexo
DocPad plugin that adds the ability to do livereload with crhome plugin and without adding any additional code to your html
Yeoman generator involving AngularJS, Gulp and Browserify
Tiny LiveReload server, background-friendly
Mini LiveReload server, background-friendly
start http server for nodewebx
Super simple yet comprehensive static files server. Shuss
Ushahidi Platform Pattern Library
A quick 'n' dirty UI sketchpad for proof-of-conceptin', script testin', or just-let-me-tryin'.
Drudge watches and serves your files while also acting as a LiveReload server
Tiny LiveReload server, background-friendly. Forked from mklabs/tiny-lr.
Runs a command then reloads your browser when files change
Tiny LiveReload server, modified for Ionic, background-friendly