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grunt plugin for karma test runner
A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
Zip and unzip files via a grunt plugin
Grunt plugin for TypeScript Linter.
Grunt plugin for rollup - next-generation ES6 module bundler
Grunt plugin that lets you break up your Gruntfile config by task
Grunt plugin for PurgeCSS
Grunt plugin for retire.
Grunt plugin for running PHP Code Sniffer.
Grunt plugin for A JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.
- gruntplugin
- grunt
- minify
- terser
- uglify
- uglify-es
- uglify-js
- minifier
- javascript
- ecmascript
- es5
- es6
- es7
- es8
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grunt plugin for starting Protractor's bundled Selenium Webdriver
grunt plugin for RTLCSS, a framework for transforming CSS from LTR to RTL.
Node.js module and Grunt plugin to start and stop MockServer
A grunt plugin to force other tasks to continue after failures
Grunt plugin that obfuscates your JavaScript using the javascript-obfuscator library.
- gruntplugin
- obfuscator
- js obfuscator
- javascript obfuscator
- obfuscation
- code protection
- grunt obfuscator
- javascript
Grunt plugin for running phpunit.
Grunt plugin for linting and minifying CSS
A grunt plugin for the unofficial HTML5 linter.
Grunt plugin to generate style guides via styledown
A grunt plugin that helps with simple artifactory artifacts