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keyboard shortcuts for Vue
React bindings for Keystrokes, an easy to use library for binding functions to keys and key combos. It can be used with any TypeScript or JavaScript project, even in non-browser environments.
A service for (un)binding key up and down events.
- ember-addon
- key
- key bindings
- key combos
- key events
- key macros
- key shortcuts
- keyboard
- keyboard bindings
- keyboard combos
- keyboard events
- keyboard macros
- keyboard shortcuts
- macros
<div align="center"> <img alt="vidify-logo" src="" width="80" height="80" style="display:inline"> <h1 style="margin-top:0" >Vidify</h1></div>
- vidify
- react player
- react
- video player
- media player
- UI
- customizable
- component
- TypeScript
- seamless playback
- dynamic source switching
- keyboard shortcuts
- accessibility
🚀 Turbo Select, a cutting-edge and versatile React component, delivers an unparalleled dropdown select menu for your applications. Seamlessly cater to your needs, whether it's a seamless single selection or a dynamic, multi-faceted choice with tags. 💡 E
- TurboSelect
- React
- component
- dropdown
- select
- menu
- single selection
- multiple selection
- tags
- customization
- use cases
- flexible
- feature-rich
- convenient
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Manage, focus and scroll to Elements or React components (refs)
Effortlessly enable undo and redo capabilities in your React applications with this powerful custom hook. 'useUndoRedoState' empowers users with intuitive keyboard shortcuts and programmatic control, allowing them to revert or reapply state changes seamle
- react
- hooks
- undo/redo state management
- react undo/redo
- state management
- undo/redo
- undo/redo state
- undo
- redo
- history
- time travel
- state history
- state navigation
- state manipulation
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Vue 3 bindings for Keystrokes, an easy to use library for binding functions to keys and key combos. It can be used with any TypeScript or JavaScript project, even in non-browser environments.
Lightweight Typescript library for managing keyboard event bindings and executing callback functions for specific key combinations
- keyboard
- keybinding
- key events
- keyboard shortcuts
- keyboard events
- event handling
- key combination
- javascript
- typescript
- npm
- library
Make interactive selectable, drag-and-drop, copy-and-paste ready, Block and Slot components easily! Works with Vue, React and any MV* framework.
- interactive
- block
- slot
- component
- drag and drop
- multiple select
- select
- keyboard shortcuts
- copy
- dataTransfer
- clipboard
Web app hot keys and search.
A fast, lightweight, multi-context and i18n friendly keyboard shortcut library for web-based renderers
Emit events for mouse and keyboard presses.
- mouse
- press
- mousepress
- keypress
- key bindings
- keybindings
- keyboard
- keyboard events
- keyboard shortcuts
- shortcut
- shortcuts
- hotkey
- hot key
- emit
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A Universal Hotkey Manager for Electron Applications