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support for asynchronous development with a Promise based task Scheduler, several different Promise implementations (synchronous, idle, asynchronous and native runtime wrappers), await helpers, and aliases all built and tested using TypeScript.
- typescript
- javascript
- es5
- promise
- es6.promise
- async
- asynchronous
- async promise
- asynchronous promise
- sync
- synchronous
- sync promise
- synchronous promise
- idle
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published version 0.5.4, 3 months ago15 dependents licensed under $MIT
support for asynchronous development with a Promise based task Scheduler, several different Promise implementations (synchronous, idle, asynchronous and native runtime wrappers), await helpers, and aliases all built and tested using TypeScript.
- quis
- ratione
- inventore
- promise
- es6.promise
- async
- consequuntur
- sync
- vero
- vitae
- synchronous promise
- idle
- aut
- reiciendis
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published version 1.4.0, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT