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A web based management, configuration and control platform for Homebridge.
- homebridge-plugin
- ui
- gui
- web
- homebridge
- homebridge-config-ui-x
- ui-x
- config-ui-x
- homebridge-x
- homebridge server
- homebridge ui
- homebridge-ui
- homebridge gui
- homebridge-gui
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The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework. Use with: Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photon, Tessel 2, TI Launchpad and more!
- 0A02
- 0A21
- 16x2 LCD
- 20x4 LCD
- 2D120X
- 2Y0A02
- 2Y0A21
- 74HC595
- ADXL335
- ADXL345
- ALS-PT19
- arduino
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pure js implementation of pigpio fork of rwaldron/johnny-five: The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework. Use with: Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photo
- 0A02
- 0A21
- 16x2 LCD
- 20x4 LCD
- 2D120X
- 2Y0A02
- 2Y0A21
- 74HC595
- ADXL335
- ADXL345
- ALS-PT19
- arduino
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Node Stream bindings for PortAudio.
Reads data from DHT sensors on Raspberry Pi
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
- allwinner
- bananapi
- banana pi
- bcm2835
- gpio
- gpiomem
- i2c
- mmap
- orangepi
- orange pi
- pi
- pwm
- raspberry
- raspberrypi
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Thin command-line interface for Raspberry Pi low level configuration.
Node Stream bindings for PortAudio.
m2m is a client module for machine-to-machine communication framework node-m2m for cloud and edge computing.
- plc
- edge
- edge-computing
- cloud-computing
- gpio
- pi
- iot
- raspberry pi
- m2m
- aws
- dcs
- telematics
- industry 4.0
- telemetry
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Pin mapping functionality for the Raspberry Pi in Node.js
Node Stream bindings for PortAudio.
Provides a base class and pin management functions for the Raspi.js library suite
GPIO access with Node.js
Provides access to Raspberry Pi peripherals from Node.js
Software SPI implementation to use any Raspberry Pi pins as a SPI interface
mcp23017/mcp23008 I/O expander library
Nitrogen is a platform for building connected devices. Nitrogen provides the authentication, authorization, and real time message passing framework so that you can focus on your device and application. All with a consistent development platform that lev
A set of node-red nodes for using Johnny-Five and IO plugins
- gpio
- node-red-contrib-gpio
- io
- firmata
- node-red
- johnny-five
- johnny5
- mqtt
- raspberry pi
- arduino
- galileo
- edison
- beaglebone
- bluetooth
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Provides access to GPIO on the Raspberry Pi from Node.js