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5 packages found

nuxt-pdf-frame is a nuxt module for rendering PDF and Canvas graphics on web, using its declarative HTML syntax and semantics to outline graphical content. It leverages the I2Djs and PDFKit framework for graphics and pdf features.

published version 0.5.0, 19 days ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Integrated-2d, framework for 2D graphics rendering for SVG/Canvas/WebGl context

published version 5.4.0, 19 days ago1 dependents licensed under $BSD-3-Clause

PDF-Frame-vue is a vue 3 component for rendering PDF/Canvas graphics on web, using its declarative HTML syntax and semantics to outline graphical content. It leverages the I2Djs and PDFKit framework for graphics and pdf features.

published version 2.4.0, 19 days ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT License

The Brady Web SDK allows users to communicate with Brady Printers using a web browser.

published version 3.0.2, 2 months ago0 dependents licensed under $SEE LICENSE IN

Bitmap Font Importer is just perfect Unity asset plugin to import any custom bitmap font to your project. It easy imports any bitmap font generated by third party tools like:littera, bmGlyph, Glyph Designer 2, ShoeBox and Bitmap Font Generator

published version 3.3.0, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT