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Leaflet utility functions on geometries
A JavaScript library for converting between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS).
These are the official TypeScript definitions for the Bing Maps V8 SDK. These can be used to provide intellisense and rich error detection to your IDE.
Shows a text (or a pattern) along a Polyline
Shape markers of fixed size for point symbols
Exposes a function to interpolate any number of points along a multi-segment line (LineString).
Elegant Mapbox GL JS integration with Nuxt
- mapbox
- mapbox gl js
- mapbox gl
- map
- nuxt
- nuxt3
- nuxt 3
- vue
- vue 3
- mapbox nuxt 3
- mapbox nuxt
- mapbox vue
- mapbox vue 3
- geocode
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Display an Esri map view as a web component.
Enable snapping between layers
Leaflet.AlmostOver ==================
Icon font set for use with GIS and spatial analysis tools
BinGuru is a Javascript package with an API to several established data binning / data classification methods, often used for visualizing data on choropleth maps. It also includes an implementation of a new, consensus binning method, 'Resiliency'.
Loads local files (GeoJSON, GPX, KML) into the map using the HTML5 FileReader API
Converts gps points to motion vectors
A map projection including all US overseas territories.
cartoview sdk is a NPM package which contains serives and hepers for cartoview apps development
A Node.js module for converting database queries to GeoJSON and TopoJSON
a package to translate geojson to GML 3.2.1
A collection of geospatial tools primarily designed for WGS84, Web Mercator, and S2.