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Get to know Simen via `npx meet-simen`
Get to know Helio via `npx helio-resume`
Validate and generate various data 🚀✅
- validate
- validar
- generate
- gerar
- document
- documento
- Certidões de Nascimento
- birth certificates
- Bank account
- Currículo
- Resume
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Mon CV en ligne
My Resume'
Nicks Tech Resume
Daniel's resume in CLI format
My NPM Package Resume - Mattia Contessa
A JavaScript SDK providing both timer and countdown capabilities. Designed for use in web applications that need precise timing functionalities, with easy-to-use methods for starting, pausing, and resetting timers or countdowns.
- Timer
- Countdown
- JavaScript SDK
- Time Management
- Timer SDK
- Countdown Timer
- Pause
- Resume
- Reset
- JavaScript Timing
- Web Development
Resume of Linkeshvaran Raja Krishna Kumar
Online resume - Zhonghai (Z) Zuo
A CLI based resume using Node.js
mk cv
Shruti's Resume
My cli resume
Resume API Connector for Node.JS (
BlockCV is an online resume editor that allows users to easily create and customize professional resumes.
Resume of Nick Fasulo
Kevin Zhu's Interactive Resume