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read and write GFF3 data as streams
read from a compressed bgzip file (with .gzi) as if it were uncompressed
uniform interface for accessing binary data from local files, remote HTTP resources, and browser Blob data
Parser for BAM and BAM index (bai) files
JBrowse 2 core libraries used by plugins
High performance streaming Variant Call Format (VCF) parser in pure JavaScript
Read Tabix-indexed files, supports both .tbi and .csi indexes
Read .2bit files in node or webpack
JBrowse 2 code shared between products but not used by plugins
A BED file format parser with autoSql support
Read features from JBrowse 1 format nested containment list JSON
read indexed fasta and bgzipped fasta formats
Parser for BigWig/BigBed files
JBrowse 2 code shared between embedded products
read CRAM files with pure Javascript
Read and write UCSC track and assembly hub files in node or the browser
uniform interface for accessing binary data from local files, remote HTTP resources, and browser Blob data
JBrowse 2 code shared between sv type code
utilities to read GFF3 data
JBrowse 2 code shared between web-app type products