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Brazilian personal documents validation - cpf, cnpj, titulo, pis/pasep, cnh, renavam, processos judiciais, protocolo federal, código de rastreamento dos correios
- validation-br
- validation
- personal documents
- document
- brazil
- brasil
- brazilian
- brasileiro
- cpf
- cnpj
- pis
- pasep
- cnh
- titulo eleitor
- View more
Validates and formats brazilian values, like money (BRL), CPF, CNPJ, dates etc.
Integração do validation-br com o NestJS, fornecendo decorators de validação para tipos específicos de dados brasileiros.
The Brazilian portuguese language package for zxcvbn-ts
Check if CEP is valid.
Easy to use holiday validator.
Check if Phone is valid.
Check if Boleto is valid.
A list in various formats (CSVXML, JSON, Markdown, SQL, XML) of brazilian commercial banks
A collection of useful validators
Return CPF formatted with mask.
A validator to brazilian phones
Return CNPJ formatted with mask.
Generates a valid CPF
A collection of useful formatters
Angular directive for autoformatting brazilian phone numbers.
- angular
- angular2
- angular4
- directive
- mask
- phone
- number
- ng-model
- form-control
- masking
- brazilian
- brazilian phone number
Ferramentas utilitárias para desenvolvedores brasileiros
- brasil
- brazilian
- tabela
- ibge
- estados
- ferramentas
- utilitarias
- validacoes
- nfe
- nota
- fiscal
- eletronica
- cpf
- cnpj
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Get informations about Brazilian States.
This code just checks if a brazilian document (CPF, CNPJ or PIS) is valid or not based on your verify code. For the PIS there is the need of a extra parameter, a boolean, to inform that the verify code has one character.
- cpf
- cnpj
- pis
- validador
- validator
- validate document
- document checker
- brazilian document
- brazilian
- brazil
- brasil
- documento brasileiro
Return boleto formatted with mask.