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Utility library to convert date in AD to Nepali date BS (Bikram sambat) and vice versa.
Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
This library provides the date range selection with two views.
This is react horizontal calender
- React
- horizontal
- calender
- slectdate
- React-horizontal-datepicker
- horizontal-calendar
- react-horizontal-strip-datepicker
- react-horizontal-date-picker
- calendar-strip
- react-calendar
- react-calendar-timeline
Momento mori calender
A simple Angular Timeline Scheduler library
- angular
- time-scheduler
- scheduler
- calender
- typescript
- timeline-scheduler
- calendar-scheduler
- timeline
- ngx-time-scheduler
Calculations for a calender
Material UI Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
Forked from vuetify-form-base, added support for v-datepicker as calender
- vue
- vue 2.0
- vuetify
- formular
- generator
- json
- schema
- responsive
- reactive
- select
- multiselect
- grid
- controls
- datepicker
Ethiopian calender library
A simple date selection library for choosing year, month, and day with dynamic options based on current date.
react ganttchart planner package
Derive the week number of a month, the week number of a year based on a given date.
an package to do date and time functions
Get the time difference between two date strings or two time strings.
A simple Angular Timeline Scheduler library
- angular
- time-scheduler
- scheduler
- calender
- typescript
- timeline-scheduler
- calendar-scheduler
- timeline
- ngx-time-scheduler
generates a list of free and open tech events in your city
A React calender component with multiple views(week, month)
Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
A tiny Persian calender convertor from/to Gregorian calendar