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55 packages found
👜 callbag source for decoding, parsing, and streaming ads-b packets
👜 Callbag source factory that emits values specified as arguments.
Callbag source that after given Date emits numbers in sequence to a specified period.
A Callbag operator that converts a listenable source into a pullable one by batching data between requests.
👜 Callbag which creates a source from a given factory when sink subscribes.
👜 Callbag operator which emits values emitted by the source as long as each value satisfies the given predicate, and then completes as soon as predicate is not satisfied.
👜 Callbag operator that emits only the last item emitted by the source.
👜 Callbag operator which converts source to a promise containing last emitted value.
👜 Callbag listenable source which emits value describing time progress (number between 0 an 1) since the subscription (using requestAnimationFrame) - useful for animations.
👜 Callbag operator which errors if source does not emit before specified duration.
callbags + JSX: super fast and super thiny interactive web apps
👜 Callbag listenable source which emits milliseconds elapsed since the subscription (using requestAnimationFrame) - useful for animations.
👜 Callbag operator that emits items given it as arguments after it finishes emitting items emitted by source.
👜 Callbag source factory that immediately emits an error.
👜 Callbag operator which resubscribes to the source given amount of times.
👜 Callbag operator which shares input stream between subscribers and emits last emitted value upon subscription.
👜 Callbag operator that maps to inner source, subscribe and emit in order.
👜 Callbag operator that splits the source into two, based on predicate function.
👜 Callbag operator that drops consecutive duplicate values
👜 Callbag operator which buffers source values until separator stream emits.