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Camunda Platform 7 and 8 behaviors for bpmn-js
Camunda Platform 7 and 8 behaviors for bpmn-js
Zod schemas and TypeScript types for Camunda 8 unified API
Camunda 8 (Zeebe) for Node-RED
Camunda moddle extensions for BPMN 2.0
JSON Schema for (Camunda) Element Templates
Camunda moddle extensions for DMN
Camunda modeling guidelines, packed as a bpmnlint plug-in
JSON Schema for (Zeebe) Element Templates
Embeddable Camunda modeling distributions based on bpmn-js
Embeddable Camunda modeling distributions based on dmn-js
Camunda moddle extensions for CMMN 1.1
Camunda Form Playground.
Camunda Modeler moddle extensions
Linting for Camunda
Form linting for Camunda Platform
Helper functions for bundling your Camunda Modeler client plugins
A browser-native BPMN and DMN modeler based on
Tresdoce NestJS Toolkit - Módulo de procesos BPMN con Camunda