Search results
1856 packages found
Version 2 of the AWS Cloud Development Kit library
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 86%. Popularity: 28%.
A programming model for software-defined state
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 29%.
AppSync GraphQL Api Construct using Amplify GraphQL Transformer.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 96%. Popularity: 10%.
AppSync GraphQL Api Construct using Amplify GraphQL Transformer - Aliased to use `Data` name scheme.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 96%. Popularity: 9%.
Sets the AWS IAM Account Alias with a Custom Resource
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 97%. Popularity: 2%.
AWS CDK construct to send notifications for adds, drops, and trades in an ESPN Fantasy Hockey league
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 98%. Popularity: 1%.
CDK Construct Library by Typescript for RDS Dump
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 98%. Popularity: 1%.
CDK Construct for setting up a simple live channel for testing
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 97%. Popularity: 1%.
Angular Material Component Development Kit
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 39%. Popularity: 34%.
CDK Toolkit, the command line tool for CDK apps
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 27%.
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 96%. Popularity: 0%.
A CDK construct that allows creating roles and databases an on Aurora Serverless Postgresql cluster.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 88%. Popularity: 3%.
AWS CDK Construct for scheduling SCTE-35 events using the MediaLive schedule API
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 88%. Popularity: 3%.
CDK constructs to build RIO flavored CI/CD pipeline in AWS.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 88%. Popularity: 3%.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 89%. Popularity: 2%.
CDK Constructs for performing ECS Deployments with CodeDeploy
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 88%. Popularity: 2%.
A CDK construct that will automatically stop a running EC2 instance at a given time.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 89%. Popularity: 2%.
Cloud Assembly Schema
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 23%.
aws cdk library for custom resource constructs.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 88%. Popularity: 2%.
This CDK construct takes care of cleaning up the orphaned Route53 CNAME validation records left behind when deleting a certificate that had DNS validation enabled.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 88%. Popularity: 2%.