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Codemirror themes for bpmn-io
Package to make it very easy to send text messages with
Converts a distance unit (e.g. m) to another (e.g. cm)
parse absolute css unit : cm mm in px pt pc
This package is a combination of many useful functions.
- solverjs
- solver
- jssolver
- jssolution
- solverjavascript
- solverinjs
- solverjsfirst
- info
- maths
- getFib
- getGcd
- printFib
- sumAllDigit
- reverseNumber
- View more
Hierarchical Organizational Chart for Angular
- org chart
- orgchart
- org-chart
- Angular chart
- organization chart
- organizational chart
- heirarchal chart
- cm
- cm-angular-org-chart
- angular
- angular 14
- angular 15
- angular 16
- angular 17
Dual List Box for Angular
- dual list box
- dual-listbox
- duallistbox
- angular dual listbox
- cm-angular-dual-listbox
- cm
- angular
- angular 14
- angular 15
- angular 16
- angular 17
Use CSS Typed Object Model in the browser
React UI for Healthy Church
Internal utilities for CM projects created with npm
Convert yard to cm, in and ft.
Tooltip for Angular
- tooltip
- angular tooltip
- hover tip
- cm-angular-tooltip
- ng
- ng-tooltip
- popover
- cm
- angular
- angular 14
- angular 15
- angular 16
- angular 17
基于 element UI的组件库
lezer-based TeX grammar
Internal utilities for CM projects created with npm
CLI for Herman Miller framework for CM Language
TeX extension for CodeMirror 6
SpringCM REST API SDK for Node.js
Generate files to create a PWA application
A simple and flexible unit formatter