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Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth
ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
HTTP status utility
A complete framework to facilitate the tracking of user voice time using discord.js
- discord
- economy
- discord.js
- bot
- bots
- leveling
- levels
- discord-levels
- discord-xp
- xp
- mongo
- mongoose
- mongodb
- discord-economy
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Create an error with a code
Detect the indentation of code
Lint files staged by git
Check if a character is hexadecimal
Check if a character is alphanumerical
Check if a character is decimal
Check if a character is alphabetical
Low footprint ECMAScript source code parser
cli for
Module that helps you write generated functions in Node
<p align="center"> <img src="" /> </p>
QRCode / 2d Barcode api with both server side and client side support using canvas
JavaScript Standard Style - ESLint Shareable Config
- JavaScript Standard Style
- check
- checker
- code
- code checker
- code linter
- code standards
- code style
- enforce
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- hint
- jscs
- jshint
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Basic configuration for the CodeMirror code editor
Lightweight, robust, elegant virtual syntax highlighting using Prism
Stringify is to `eval` as `JSON.stringify` is to `JSON.parse`