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Universal module importer for Node.js
A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies
Node's querystring module for all engines. (ES3 compat fork)
TypeScript Execute (tsx): Node.js enhanced with esbuild to run TypeScript & ESM files
Convert CommonJS modules to ES2015
Tomorrow's ECMAScript modules today!
Get the dependency tree of a module
Get the dependencies of a CommonJS module by traversing its AST
Unleash the detectives
browser-side require() the node way
Find files based on partial paths
pack node-style source files from a json stream into a browser bundle
Minimal JavaScript module loader
Flexible tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript into Node-readable CommonJS modules
A vite plugin that support commonjs to esm in vite
Elegant terminal spinner
TypeScript HYbridizer - Hybrid (CommonJS/ESM) TypeScript node package builder
A pure JavaScript implementation of CommonJs
[SWC plugin] mutable CJS exports
An Lz4 implementation for the browser.