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Map over promises concurrently
- promise
- map
- resolved
- wait
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- race
- fulfilled
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
- concurrency
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Retry a promise-returning or async function
- promise
- retry
- retries
- operation
- failed
- rejected
- try
- exponential
- backoff
- attempt
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
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Filter promises concurrently
Run commands concurrently
Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency
Settle promises concurrently and get their fulfillment value or rejection reason
- promise
- settle
- settled
- resolved
- iterator
- fulfill
- reject
- fulfilled
- rejected
- reflect
- inspect
- error
- async
- await
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Test whether all promises passes a testing function
- async
- await
- bluebird
- collection
- concurrency
- concurrently
- every
- filter
- fulfilled
- iterable
- iterator
- parallel
- promise
- promises
Retry a promise-returning or async function
- promise
- retry
- retries
- operation
- failed
- rejected
- try
- exponential
- backoff
- attempt
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
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Like `Promise.all()` but for `Map` and `Object`
- promise
- props
- map
- object
- values
- properties
- entries
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
- concurrency
- parallel
- bluebird
Run promise-returning & async functions a specific number of times concurrently
Smart and beautiful script runner that hijacks any `npm run`, `yarn` and `npx` calls for ultra fast execution
- cli
- command-line
- concurrent
- concurrently
- execution
- fast
- npm
- parallel
- run
- runner
- scripts
- terminal
- yarn
- lerna
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Run several commands concurrently. Show output for one command at a time. Kill all at once.
Map over promises concurrently. This is a fork of sindresorhus/p-map, but with CommonJS support.
- promise
- map
- resolved
- wait
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- race
- fulfilled
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
- concurrency
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Test whether some promise passes a testing function
- async
- await
- bluebird
- collection
- concurrency
- concurrently
- filter
- fulfilled
- iterable
- iterator
- parallel
- promise
- promises
- some
Async mutex lock for managing access to a shared resource
Retry a promise-returning or async function
- promise
- retry
- retries
- operation
- failed
- rejected
- try
- exponential
- backoff
- attempt
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
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A tiny (~400B) utility that executes a dependency graph of async functions as concurrently as possible.
Retry a promise-returning or async function
- promise
- retry
- retries
- operation
- failed
- rejected
- try
- exponential
- backoff
- attempt
- async
- await
- promises
- concurrently
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Run several npm scripts in parallel or in sequence forwarding the options in a yarn-friendly manner
Run commands concurrently