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Create a count down timer with a count down listener every second
console.time, console.timeLog and console.timeEnd polyfill for react-native
Get the real length of a string - by correctly counting astral symbols and ignoring ansi escape codes
A jQuery plugin that will count up (or down) to a target number at a specified speed.
Count the longest repeating streak of a substring
Count how often a character (or substring) is used in a string
backwards compatible version of builtin events.listenercount
Pluralize a word
Set the length of a function.
Get the total buffer length of a stream.
TimeCircles is a jQuery plugin that provides a nice looking way to either count down towards a certain time, or to count up from a certain time. The goal for TimeCircles is to provide a simple yet dynamic tool that makes it very easy to provide visitors a
Bit twiddling hacks for JavaScript
- bit
- twiddle
- hacks
- graphics
- logarithm
- exponent
- base 2
- binary
- arithmetic
- octree
- quadtree
- math
- nextPow2
- log
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vfile utility to count messages per category: failures, warnings, etc
Returns true if the given number is odd, and is an integer that does not exceed the JavaScript MAXIMUM_SAFE_INTEGER.
Social media share buttons and share counts for React.
Zero-dependency unicode-aware string tools
Return true if the given number is even.
Run promise-returning & async functions a specific number of times concurrently
Count the lines in a string, works with windows carriage returns or unix style newlines.
Word count in respect of CJK characters.