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CSS minimizer (minifier) plugin for Webpack
- cssnano
- css
- csso
- clean-css
- swc
- esbuild
- webpack
- webpack-plugin
- minimize
- minimizer
- minify
- minifier
- optimize
- optimizer
Minify CSS with cssnano.
Minify All JS, CSS and HTML files in a folder by using UglifyJS, CSSNano and HTMLMinifier with an option to gzip all the files as well.
- Minify
- Minify All
- Minify All CLI
- Minify All JS
- Minify All CSS
- Minify All HTML
- Compress
- uglifyjs
- cssnano
- html-minifier
- gzip
A CLI for modular minifier cssnano.
PostCSS plugin cleans up the variable names and saves space. It can will reduce your css variable to smaller variables
A fast and modern bundler for Node.js and TypeScript.
- anolilab
- assets
- bundle
- bundler
- cjs
- commonjs
- compiler
- css
- declaration
- es6
- esbuild
- esm
- exports
- package.json
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cssnano plugin for @node-minify
cssnano plugin for Webpack
A `best-shot` preset for stylesheet
Load SASS and transform to CSS, add vendor prefixes and minify
Minify HTML markup inside lit tagged template literals
PostCSS plugin to reduce grid templates declarations
A JS/React App automation build scaffolding with zero-configuration and out-of-the-box
- bruce-app
- app
- application
- bruce-cli
- react-cli
- create-react
- create-react-app
- spa
- babel
- corejs
- cssnano
- eslint
- less
- postcss
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Shared eslint config for cssnano.
A JS/React App automation build scaffolding with zero-configuration and out-of-the-box
- bruce-app
- app
- application
- bruce-cli
- react-cli
- create-react
- create-react-app
- spa
- babel
- corejs
- cssnano
- eslint
- less
- postcss
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cssnano, bundled for the browser
Minify Astro files with HTMLNano and CSSNano
- astro
- htmlnano
- cssnano
- minify
- astro-plugin
- astro-htmlnano
- astro-cssnano
- astro-minify
- astro-minifier
- astro-middleware
- optimize
Frontend development tools packaged as a Node module.
- gulp
- gulp-sass
- gulp-postcss
- gulp-soucemaps
- gulp-stylelint
- cssnano
- autoprefixer
- browserslist
- stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap
- gulp-eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb-base
- gulp-babel
- @babel/preset-env
- gulp-uglify
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A better cssnano grunt plugin for minifying CSS