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- Recently published API Client for Javascript
A Dashboard UI built on top of bull or bullmq.
A Dashboard server API built on top of bull or bullmq.
A Express.js server adapter for Bull-Board dashboard.
TypeScript/JS lib for dashboard layout and creation, responsive, mobile support, no external dependencies, with many wrappers (React, Angular, Vue, Ember, knockout...)
- Typescript
- gridstack.js
- grid
- gridster
- layout
- responsive
- dashboard
- resize
- drag&drop
- widgets
- Angular
- React
- Vue
- JavaScript
Universal UI plugin for Uppy.
An open source headless CMS solution to create and manage your own API. It provides a powerful dashboard and features to make your life easier. Databases supported: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite
- strapi
- cms
- cmf
- content management system
- content management framework
- admin panel
- dashboard
- api
- auth
- framework
- http
- json
- koa
- koajs
- View more
Angular gridster 2
Node, React, Headless CMS and Application Framework built on Next.js
- admin panel
- api
- cms
- content management
- dashboard
- framework
- graphQL
- headless
- javascript
- next.js
- node
- payload
- react
- self hosted
A CLI Multi-Tab Container Utilizing Labels For Blessed
A Fastify.js server adapter for Bull-Board dashboard.
SDK for embedding resources from Superset into your own application
Responsive open source admin dashboard and control panel.
Dashboard framework powered by MUI.
Polymer element to create flexible responsive layouts and build nice looking dashboard.
A modern [Web Component]( for [Luzmo]( dashboards in your web application.
- es6
- web-component
- lit
- web-component-luzmo
- luzmo
- front-end
- development
- dashboard
- visualization
- chart
- component
a CLI dashboard for webpack dev server
A modern dashboard for Agenda.js with Pagination and Search capabilities
Tool for rendering dashboard widgets
Tesults API library.