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The lodash method `_.debounce` exported as a module.
Delay function calls until a set time elapses after the last invocation
Throttle and debounce functions.
Debounce hook for react
Watch globs and execute a function upon change, with intelligent defaults for debouncing and queueing.
a simple debounce with no dependencies or crazy defaults
Debounce a function
Create a debounced version of a promise returning function
React component that renders Input with debounced onChange
TypeScript implementation of debounce
Debounce promise-returning & async functions
- promise
- debounce
- debounced
- limit
- limited
- concurrency
- throttle
- throat
- interval
- rate
- batch
- ratelimit
- task
- queue
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A React hook for debouncing setState and other callbacks
- react
- react hook
- debounce
- debounce hook
- react debounce
- debounce state
- throttle react state
- react debounce hook
- use debounce
- usedebounce
A variant of RxJS exhaustMap that includes the trailing value emitted from the source observable while waiting for the inner observable to complete
A lean Promises and Async lib for ES6/ES7
return a debounced function
🌀 Small (~0.2kb) debounce effect hook for React with TypeScript support
A tiny fully-featured debounce and throttle implementation.
Primitives for creating scheduled — throttled or debounced — callbacks.
A debounced function that delays invoking asynchronous functions.
A simple vue directive for debounce