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Promisify a callback-style function
- promisify
- callback
- promise
- promises
- denodify
- denodeify
- node
- then
- thenify
- convert
- transform
- wrap
- wrapper
- bind
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Let your JS API users either give you a callback or receive a promise
Promisify a callback-style function
nodeify from then/Promise, all by itself
promisen.js creates promise-returning functions. ready for ES6 Promise.
Modern conveniences for native JavaScript promises.
Transforms callback-based function into a Promise-based (TypeScript-friendly)
Immediately invoked [pify](
Promisify ALL the node.js modules (with proxies).
Promisify with proxies
Promisify a callback-style function
Convert a callback-style function to an AsyncFunction
Promisify a callback-style function with native util.promisify support
Promisify a callback-style function
wrap an object's callback methods with promise returning ones
Convert node.js-style functions to return Promises
Promisify methods on the prototype of an object
- promise
- promises
- promisify
- denodify
- denodeify
- callback
- cb
- node
- then
- thenify
- convert
- transform
- wrap
- wrapper
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