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Simple & easy to use mockup generator from MockupsJar
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Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent & Client Hints data. Supports browser & node.js environment
- user-agent
- client-hints
- parser
- browser
- engine
- os
- device
- cpu
- jquery-plugin
- ecosystem:jquery
- ua-parser-js
- browser-detection
- device-detection
- os-detection
fs.rename but works across devices. same as the unix utility 'mv'
Detect device type and render your component according to it
Get device information using react-native
Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment
Detect if a device is mouse only, touch only, or hybrid
Device detection (phone, tablet, desktop, mobile grade, os, versions)
<p align="center"> <img src="" width="200"> </p>
- angular
- device
- device detector
- device detection
- ngx-device-detector
- angular device detector
- angular5
- angular6
- angular7
- angular8
- angular18
- angular19
A javascript port of Matomo device-detector
Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment
- user-agent
- parser
- browser
- engine
- os
- device
- cpu
- jquery-plugin
- ecosystem:jquery
- ua-parser-js
- client-hints
- user-agent-detection
- device-detection
- platform-detection
- View more
Cordova Device Plugin
Install apps on your ios device. Node wrapper around ideviceinstaller.
Browser, os and device detection
- user agent
- user agent parsing
- user agent detection
- browser detection
- os detection
- device detection
- sniffing
- detection
- recognition
- browser
- os
- device
☯ A simple store that syncs with your device's theme settings
Helpers for handling mobile devices
Cordova Screen Orientation plugin
- cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-windows
- device
- ecosystem:cordova
- screen
- orientation
- portrait
- landscape
Device type detection library based on the useragent string. Refactored from express-device.
Filter an input vector valued curve