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ReactionRole is a module that allows you to create Discord reaction role easily!
Create beautiful role selection message !
An unofficial wrapper around the Mee6 levels API to fetch the leaderboard, role rewards and user xp data.
A simple and powerful module for adding a reaction role system to your discord.js project Redeem Bot Discord (Add Role)
Add or remove roles from an user whenever reacts o unreacts to a specific message
Parse discord-style markdown into an abstract syntax tree.
A markdown parser for Discord messages
Library to easily create message collector and reactions on discord, with customization ways
- discord
- discord.js
- discordjs
- message collector
- message-collector
- messages-collector
- messages collector
- reaction role
- reaction roles
- color roles
- captcha roles
- reaction collector
- reaction-collector
- reaction menu
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Discord API typings that are kept up to date for use in bot library creation.
Sequential asynchronous lock-based queue for promises
A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API
Easily extract a member, role, or channel from a Discord mention.
The REST API for discord.js
Deconstructs and generates snowflake IDs using BigInts
A set of builders that you can use when creating your bot
Wrapper around Discord's gateway
A powerful library for interacting with the API
Easy and customizable economy module for your Discord Bot.
- discord
- bot
- discord.js
- economy
- fast
- easy
- easy-eco
- easy-economy
- discord economy
- discord-economy
- discord-economy-super
- discord-js
- discord-eco
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A markdown parser for Discord messages