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856 packages found

Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent & Client Hints data. Supports browser & node.js environment

published version 2.0.0, 3 months ago2495 dependents licensed under $AGPL-3.0-or-later

URI.js is a Javascript library for working with URLs.

published version 1.19.11, 3 years ago1429 dependents licensed under $MIT

Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment

published version 0.7.33, 2 years ago22 dependents licensed under $MIT

Lightbox and modal dialog plugin. Can display inline HTML, iframes (YouTube video, Vimeo, Google Maps), or an image gallery. Animation effects are added with CSS3 transitions. For jQuery or Zepto.

published version 1.2.0, 8 months ago33 dependents licensed under $MIT

jQuery or Zepto plugin to serialize a form into a JavaScript Object, using the same format as the default Ruby on Rails request params

published version 3.2.1, 4 years ago12 dependents licensed under $MIT

The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX.

published version 4.3.0, 5 years ago45 dependents licensed under $(LGPL-2.1+ OR MIT)

Cool, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with many options and skin support

published version 2.3.1, 5 years ago81 dependents licensed under $MIT

The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.

published version 2.0.8, 4 years ago63 dependents licensed under $(MIT OR GPL-3.0+)

slimScroll is a small jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area. slimScroll doesn't occupy any visual space as it only appears on a user initiated mouse-over.

published version 1.3.8, 9 years ago73 dependents

Spectrum: the no hassle jQuery colorpicker

published version 1.8.1, 5 years ago93 dependents licensed under $MIT

Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment

published version 2.0.4, 3 months ago6 dependents licensed under $MIT

A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options

published version 1.4.1, 9 years ago51 dependents licensed under $BSD-3-Clause

Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery

published version 2.1.3, 4 years ago30 dependents licensed under $MIT

The jQuery Mockjax Plugin provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses.

published version 2.6.1, a year ago10 dependents

Filterizr is a jQuery plugin that sorts, shuffles, searches and applies stunning filters over responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions and custom CSS effects

published version 2.2.4, 5 years ago31 dependents licensed under $MIT

A flexible and extensible jQuery plugin for modern tooltips.

published version 4.2.8, 5 years ago28 dependents licensed under $MIT

Simulate synchronous ajax by blocking - not locking - the UI. This plugin lets you block user interaction with the page or with a specific element on the page. Also great at displaying modal dialogs.

published version 2.70.1, 10 years ago34 dependents

Best-of-breed templating in browser or on Node.js (with Express 4, Hapi and Browserify integration)

published version 1.0.15, 7 months ago44 dependents licensed under $MIT

Management facility for context menus. Developed for a large number of triggering objects. HTML5 Polyfill

published version 2.9.2, 5 years ago46 dependents licensed under $MIT

JavaScript tree view / tree grid plugin with support for keyboard, inline editing, filtering, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading

published version 2.38.4, a month ago25 dependents licensed under $MIT