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Webpack loader that resolves relative paths in url() statements based on the original source file
file-replace-loader is webpack loader that allows you replace files in compile time
A Webpack loader that emits a file during the loader chain.
Environment Variable Loader
Register loader functions that dynamically read, parse or otherwise transform file contents when the name of the loader matches a file extension. You can also compose loaders from other loaders.
Environment configuration loader for Lad
- .env
- @ladjs/env
- config
- configuration
- development
- dot
- dotenv
- dynamic
- env
- environment
- factor
- file
- lass
- load
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Flexible lightweight configuration loader for Node
Base loader for Template-based applications.
Loader for Webpack to append and prepend text to files.
Network request and file loading utilities.
A pluggable, hierarchical, asynchronous config loader and post processor with support for environment variables, command line arguments, json, javascript, http, vault, etcd and postgres
- configuration
- loader
- asynchronous
- hierarchical
- watch
- file
- environment
- command
- line
- arguments
- http
- vault
- etcd
- postgres
more stable file loader for nunjucks, and support charsets like `gbk`.
Loader to provide template inheritance in Vue's Single File Components
A library to locate a file/module by criteria and load it!
Loader for noodl applications
Load templates/views using globs, file paths, objects, arrays, or key-value pairs.
Webpack loader that resolves relative paths in url() statements based on the original source file
File Loader Component
Image loader for Vue 3, displays image previews and the ability to switch multiple modes
Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories