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Line Awesome by Icon8. A drop-in replacement for Font Awesome.
A React component for the font-awesome icon library.
Tiny FontAwesome component for Svelte
Icons from packs like Font Awesome, Material, Octicons, Feather, Icomoon, and Boxicons available as Styled Components
Compact FontAwesome library ready to be used with Angular.
- ng4-font-awesome
- ng4-fontawesome
- ng2-fontawesome
- ng2-font-awesome
- ng-font-awesome
- ng-fontawesome
- font-awesome
- fontawesome
- font awesome
- angular
- angular2
- ng
- ng2
- angular2-font-awesome
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Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier.
easily add control buttons to your leaflet maps with icon support
SVG React icons of popular icon packs using ES6 imports
- react
- icons
- react-icons
- react icons
- meronex
- font-awesome
- fontawesome
- bootstrap
- fonts
- icon
- react-component
- icons react
- react-icons-kit
- svg icon
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Font Awesome component for Svelte JS, using inline SVG
Easily use your FontAwesome Pro 5.1 icons in React-Native.
Font Awesome SVG Icon components for Svelte
The list of Font Awesome icon unicode characters in several file format
Hero icon v2 components for Svelte
font-awesome package for webpack
Gatsby plugin that disables Font Awesome auto CSS insertion and instead inserts it at compile time.
Icons from packs like Font Awesome, Material, Octicons, Feather, Icomoon, and Boxicons available as Emotion Components
Font Awesome Icons for React Native
Fontawesome component for vuejs
Returns actual list of Font Awesome icons
font-awesome package for webpack using sass