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Run Gifsicle in browser,Compress, rotate, crop and other operations on Gif images
- gifsicle
- gifsicle wasm
- gifsicle browser
- gifsicle WebAssembly
- gif browser
- compress gif
- crop gif
- merge gif
- resize gif
- extract gif frame
Gifsicle codec in WebAssembly.
Imagemin plugin for Gifsicle
gifsicle wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
Gifsicle codec in WebAssembly.
Automates ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.
- advpng
- compress
- compress images
- gifsicle
- image compression
- image optimisation
- imagealpha
- imagemin
- imageoptim
- images
- jpegmini
- jpegoptim
- jpegtran
- optimise images
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Imagemin plugin for Gifsicle
The gifsicle command line utility as a readable/writable stream.
Minify size your images. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif.
- image-compress
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
- image
- compression
- image compression
- compression image
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Nodejs plugin to resize GIFs
To resize or compress image file by weight and height. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif.
- font-end image compress
- fontend image compress
- ui image compress
- image-compress
- image-resize
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
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A `best-shot` preset for asset
Convert videos to animated gifs
To resize or compress image file by weight and height. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif. This is a fork of, but with an added feature of proportional resize.
- font-end image compress
- fontend image compress
- ui image compress
- image-compress
- image-resize
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
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Convert videos to animated gifs
a package for resizing gifs while keeping aspect ratio
Automate ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini
- ImageOptim
- JPEGmini
- advpng
- build
- compress
- compression
- gifsicle
- gruntplugin
- images
- jpegoptim
- jpegtran
- optimization
- optimize
- optipng
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a image optimizer plugin of fis3 based on imagemin
CLI image optimization tool
Wrapper for Gifsicle