Search results
69 packages found
Package for optimizing your GraphQL operations relay style.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 49%. Popularity: 26%.
GraphQL Codegen plugin for building mock data
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 7%.
Zero-config vite plugin that uses the vite file watcher to run graphql codegen programmatically without needing to start a separate watcher
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 8%.
A SWC plugin for Forked to work with new Next.js versions and client components.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 2%.
Nuxt module for Apollo Client with SSR and codegen support.
- nuxt
- apollo-client
- nuxt-ssr
- apollo-ssr
- apollo-codegen
- graphql-codegen
- nuxt-codegen
- apollo
- graphql
- vue
- vue-apollo
- vue-apollo-composable
- codegen
- codegen-client
- View more
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 1%.
💪🏻 24jieqi 团队 graphql-codegen 通用方案
Maintenance: 32%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 2%.
A SWC plugin for (swc_core 1.3.95)
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 0%.
A starter project for a fullstack GraphQL app with React, GraphQL Codegen, GraphQL Yoga and Vite.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 0%.
A custom GraphQL Code Generator plugin to generate typed document nodes for TypeScript operations and fragments. Provides enhanced type safety with generated exports for GraphQL queries, mutations, and fragments.
- graphql
- codegen
- plugin
- typescript
- graphql-codegen
- typed-document-node
- graphql-fragments
- graphql-operations
- graphql-mutations
- graphql-queries
- typescript-documents
- type-safe
- graphql-tools
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 44%. Popularity: 1%.
Type-safe fragment masking plugin for GraphQL Code Generator, providing helper functions for managing GraphQL fragments with enhanced type safety and customizable configurations.
- graphql
- codegen
- plugin
- typescript
- graphql-codegen
- fragment-masking
- graphql-fragments
- graphql-operations
- graphql-mutations
- graphql-queries
- typescript-documents
- type-safe
- graphql-tools
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 44%. Popularity: 1%.
Metrics for graphql eventbus
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 2%.
Generate a graphql client sdk for any graphql api
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 2%.
Generate a zod and zod-form-data schema for any graphql api
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 2%.
A SWC plugin for Forked to work with new Next.js versions and client components.
Maintenance: 24%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 1%.
GraphQL Code Generator plugin for generating default documents (queries, mutations, subscriptions and 'AllFields' fragments) for your GraphQL schema.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 43%. Popularity: 1%.
A more type efficient and typesafe projects configuration helper for @graphql-codegen
Maintenance: 32%. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 0%.
A powerful code generator that Generate SWR hooks from GraphQL queries & mutations
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 43%. Popularity: 0%.
GraphQL Code Generator plugin for generating operation queries based on resources.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 1%.
A SWC plugin for Forked to work with new Next.js versions.
Maintenance: 24%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 0%.
Generate a graphql client sdk for any graphql api
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 0%.