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Use the unset keyword in CSS.
Get the last or last n elements in an array.
Get all but the last element or last n elements of an array.
Initial CSS values for `all: initial` polyfills.
The lodash method `_.initial` exported as a module.
a vue-avatar like package that renders an img tag instead of a custom tag, for easier use with vuetify.
Reduce an array of values via an asynchronous function.
It is simple redux middleware that helps you load redux initial state asynchronously
Common typescript ready prototypes available in both CommonJS and ECMAScript
- server-side
- client-side
- common
- typescript
- prototype
- array
- all
- any
- append
- average
- chunk
- clone
- compact
- contains
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Check if it's the first time the process is run
Webpack plugin for allowing HTML files as entry modules.
A Vuex plugin that makes restoring initial state to the store simple
react component to make Gmail like text avatars for profile pictures
Simple redux middleware which will store the current state tree in either session- or localstorage
Pure functional AsyncIterable traversal
- AsyncIterable
- functional
- lambda
- TypeScript
- toArray
- toSet
- first
- tail
- push
- unshift
- initial
- last
- only
- empty
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Gets all but the first element, or n elements in the given array.
Detect first run on Electron Apps
Get the initial commit date of a git repository.
State manager
react component to make Gmail like text avatars for profile pictures