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Basic template helpers for printing messages out to the console. Useful for debugging context in templates. Should work with any template engine.
- assemble
- dash
- debug
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- generate
- generator
- handlebars
- helper
- helpers
- inspect
- lo
- lo-dash
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Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template helpers, middleware, routes, loaders, and lots more. Powers assemble, verb and other node.js apps.
- atpl
- coffee
- compile
- consolidate
- dot
- dust
- dustjs
- dustjs-helpers
- dustjs-linkedin
- eco
- ect
- ejs
- engine
- engines
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Escape and un-escape delimiters in templates. Tested with Lo-Dash, underscore and Handlebars syntax, but could be used with other template engines/syntaxes as well. This is similar to the process used by Yeoman on escaped templates in generators.
- RegExp
- assemble
- atpl
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- demlim
- demlimiter
- demlimiters
- demlims
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Format dates with date.js and moment.js. Uses date.js to parse human readable date phrases, and moment to format the rendered output. Should work with any Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any template engine that allows helper functions to be registere
express.js inspired template-engine manager.
- assemble
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- engines
- express
- front
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Easily register and get helper functions to be passed to any template engine or node.js application. Methods for both sync and async helpers.
Lo-Dash engine, consolidate.js style but with enhancements. Works with Assemble, express.js, engine-cache or any application that follows consolidate.js conventions.
- engine
- consolidate
- express
- assemble
- lodash
- lo-dash
- underscore
- templates
- template
- compile
- render
- process
- delimiters
- delims
Template helper for adding formatted dates using node-dateformat. Works with Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any template engine that supports helper functions. Also compatible with verb, assemble and Template.
Template engine library with fast, synchronous rendering, based on consolidate.
- assemble
- atpl
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- dot
- dust
- dustjs-helpers
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Provides a handy command-line interface for compiling lodash templates.
Template helper for concatenating a list of files using glob patterns. Should work with handlebars, lodash or any template engine that allows helper functions.
Date helper for displaying elapsed time in a human-readable format. Can be used as a JavaScript utility or template helper with handlebars, lo-dash or any template engine that supports helper functions.
Collection of mixins for Lo-Dash or Underscore.
- javscript utils
- lo dash mixins
- lo dash
- lo-dash mixins
- lo-dash
- lodash js mixins
- lodash js
- lodash mixins
- lodash
- lodash.js mixins
- lodash.js
- mixins
- javascript library
- underscore js mixins
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Format dates with date.js and moment.js. Uses date.js to parse human readable date phrases, and moment to format the rendered output. Should work with any Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any template engine that allows helper functions to be registere
recursive extension based on lowdb
Flat JSON file database with promise
Load template engine helpers (handlebars, lo-dash, etc) from file paths, globs, arrays or objects.
A 'wee' and simple embedded JSON database built on `lowdb` with some traditional query benefits/syntax
Because it's fairer than the fairest possible solution.
Because it's the fairest possible solution.