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Better localStorage
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser
A drop-in substitute for the browser native localStorage API that runs on node.js.
Storage utility with fallbacks
React hook that persist data in localStorage
Check and use appropriate storage adapter for browser (localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies, memory)
Secure localStorage/sessionStorage data with high level of encryption and data compression
A lightweight utility library for browser API interactions in React
Memory-backed implementation of the Web Storage API
A store for Nano Stores state manager to keep data in localStorage
A simple wrapper for localStorage/sessionStorage that allows one to encrypt/decrypt the data being stored.
Wrapper for encrypted localStorage and sessionStorage in browser
- localStorage
- sessionStorage
- safeStorage
- encryptStorage
- encrypted storage
- encrypted data
- security
- browser storage
- browser localStorage
- browser sessionStorage
- encrypt persist
- lgpd
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The addon provides an ember-data adapter and a storageFor computed property that persists the changes to localStorage or sessionStorage.
- ember-addon
- localStorage
- sessionStorage
- local-storage
- local-storage array
- local-storage object
- session-storage
- session-storage array
- session-storage object
- localStorage adapter
- local-storage adapter
Primitive that provides reactive wrappers for storage access
html5 storage interface for node and browser
A mock browser with window, document, location, navigation, local and session storage to use for client side code tests in a node environment.
An API for localStorage or sessionStorage with ttl and size limits
Use Local Storage with React hooks
A local storage wrapper for both react-native(AsyncStorage) and browser(localStorage).
React hook that persists data in localStorage