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A list of the minor words that shouldn't be capitalized in a title case string.
Increment and update version in all project files (CLI)
Regular expression to match a semantic version string.
Compare npm CLI version string with another version string
CLI Semver autoincrement with major, minor, and patch.
Bump the version of multiple package.json and package-lock.json files with one command
Automatically generates release notes with versioning using AI.
CLI tool to bump the version on package.json and other files
Bump the version on package.json and other files
*A small cli to parse semver tags and extract major, minor, etc.*
A webpack plugin to bump the major, minor, or patch number for a build
update [major, minor, patch ...] version info with remote npm version info.
A music theory library for JavaScript
Allow package.json version management from node or CLI.
JSON Minifier
The Music Builder provides the notes needed for a chord or scale.
- music
- builder
- chords
- scales
- major
- minor
- pentatonic
- dominant
- diminished
- modes
- ionian
- dorian
- phrygian
- lydian
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Get the currently installed CLI npm version and parse it with node-semver
Bump minor, major or milestone nothing else.
TLDR for semantic versioning
semtag control for git