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A simpler (and smaller) rewrite of Google Android's libphonenumber library in javascript
A framework for building native apps using React
Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
Premium icons for Ionic.
Parses and determines if a given CSS Media Query matches a set of values.
🎉 toastify-react-native allows you to add notifications to your react-native app (ios, android) with ease. No more nonsense!
- react
- react-component
- pushalert
- toast
- popup
- react-native toast
- react-native-toastify
- react-native
- react-toastify
- toastify
- react-native-notification
- toastify-react-native
- notification
- picker
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Enables body scroll locking (for iOS Mobile and Tablet, Android, desktop Safari/Chrome/Firefox) without breaking scrolling of a target element (eg. modal/lightbox/flyouts/nav-menus)
- body scroll
- body scroll lock
- react scroll lock
- react scroll
- scroll
- lock
- freeze
- toggle
- disable
- overflow
- modal
- lightbox
- react
- vanilla-js
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Detect device type and render your component according to it
Minimalistic JavaScript library for DOM manipulation, with a jQuery-compatible API
Media queries in react for responsive design
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling.
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- android
- osx
- windows
- macos
- ui
- icon
- icons
- vector
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A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers
- international
- country
- dial code
- telephone
- phone
- mobile
- input
- flag
- dropdown
- javascript
- plugin
- css
- html
- validation
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Easy to use declarative transitions and animations for React Native
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- android
- ui
- fade
- bounce
- slide
- animatable
- transition
- animation
Check if mobile browser.
A CLI for running apps on iOS/Android devices and simulators/emulators
Animated collapsible component for React Native using the Animated API. Good for accordions, toggles etc
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- android
- ui
- collapse
- collapsible
- toggle
- accordion
Base components for Ionic
Android UiAutomator and Chrome support for Appium
Device detection (phone, tablet, desktop, mobile grade, os, versions)
Keychain Access for React Native