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Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- pnpm
- pnpm10
- dependencies
- dependency manager
- efficient
- fast
- hardlinks
- install
- installer
- link
- lockfile
- modules
- monorepo
- multi-package
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Enhance ESLint with better support for large scale monorepos
Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository
Find and fix unused files, dependencies and exports in your TypeScript and JavaScript projects
- analysis
- analyze
- class
- cli
- dead code
- dependencies
- detect
- devDependencies
- duplicate
- entropy
- enum
- export
- files
- find
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A professional solution for consolidating all your JavaScript projects in one Git repo
Consistent dependency versions in large JavaScript Monorepos
- dependencies
- exact-versions
- lerna
- lernajs
- monorepo
- npm
- nx
- package-json
- packages
- pnpm
- semver
- sort-package-json
- turbo
- turborepo
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Resolve the workspace root using bun, npm, pnpm, or yarn
Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos
Automatically declare NodeJS built-in modules and npm dependencies as 'external' in Rollup config
- rollup
- vite
- plugin
- rollup-plugin
- vite-plugin
- external
- externals
- node
- builtin
- builtins
- dependencies
- devDependencies
- peerDependencies
- optionalDependencies
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A TypeScript ESLint ruleset designed for large teams and projects
Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos
Find all the workspaces of a monorepo.
An ESLint plugin for enforcing consistent imports across monorepo packages.
An ESLint plugin providing supplementary rules for use with the @rushstack/eslint-config package
Ensures dependencies are on consistent versions across a monorepo.
Package utility for monorepo.
Verifies that installed modules comply with the requirements specified in package.json
Turborepo remote cache server
Serverless plugin to allow use inside a JS monorepo
Tools to support a Yarn workspaces' React Native monorepo