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OpenTelemetry instrumentation for NestJS server side applications framework
Terminus integration provides readiness/liveness health checks for NestJS.
- nestjs
- healt-checks
- express
- fastify
- typeorm
- microorm
- mongoose
- sequelize
- grpc
- kafka
- rabbitmq
- nats
- redis
- amqp
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Pino logger for NestJS
A Rate-Limiting module for NestJS to work on Express, Fastify, Websockets, Socket.IO, and GraphQL, all rolled up into a simple package.
A Nest module wrapper for winston
A module for making CLI applications with NestJS. Decorators for running commands and separating out config parsers included. This package works on top of commander.
A continuation-local storage module compatible with NestJS's dependency injection.
The i18n module for Nest.
- nestjs
- i18n
- internationalization
- internationalisation
- internationalize
- internationalise
- international
- locale
NestJS module for MikroORM
This library provides helper utilities for writing and validating NestJS APIs using [TypeBox]( as an alternative to class-validator/class-transformer. Can be configured to patch @nestjs/swagger allowing OpenAPI gene
NestJS Datadog Trace Library
A NestJS module for Bull-Board dashboard.
A simple pagination function to build a pagination object with types
Provides an injectable client to provide enterprise logging nestjs modules
Nest - a ioredis module (@ioredis)
NestJS OpenTelemetry Library
Redis storage provider for the @nestjs/throttler package
Zod helper methods for NestJS
Redis(ioredis) module for Nest framework (node.js).
Eslint rules for nestjs projects