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A fully customizable, OTP (one-time password) input component built with Vue 3.x and Vue Composition API.
- vue 3 otp input
- vue otp input
- vue
- vue 3
- vue composition API
- otp
- input
- otp input
- one-time-password
- one-time password
- one time password
- one time password input
- one time password input component
- one time password input component built with vue
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Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
A fully customizable, one-time password input component for the web built with Vue 2.x.
One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno, Bun and browsers
- otp
- hotp
- totp
- one time password
- 2fa
- 2 factor
- two factor
- two-factor
- 2step
- 2 step
- two step
- two-step
- auth
- authenticator
HMAC-based (HOTP) and Time-based (TOTP) One-Time Password library
One-time password input component for React.
A fully customizable, one-time password input component for the web built with React
Encode a Cypress fixture with Protocol Buffers
A commandline Authenticator App (for Authy, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, TOTP / 2FA / MFA / OTP, etc)
Verify API provides a choice of routes for sending a code to a user. You can use this to confirm a user's contact information, as a second factor when authenticating users, or for step-up authentication.
A One-Time Password input designed for the React library MUI
A fully customizable, one-time password input component for the web built with Angular.
- angular
- angular-otp
- otp-input
- otp
- angular-otp-input
- ng-otp
- ngx-otp
- ng-otp-input
- ngx-otp-input
- one-time-password
- password-input
- two-factor-auth
- 2fa
- angular-component
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A fully modifiable OTP Input Component for React Native
- react-native
- react native
- react-native-app
- react-native-component
- react-native-input
- react-native-otp
- react-native-otp-verify
- react-native-otp-input
- react-native-otp-entry
- react-native-otp-text-input
- rn
- anday
- anday013
- anday2000
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Simple & Flexible OTP Style Input
A node.js wrapper for the MessageBird REST API
A fully customizable, one-time password (OTP) and phone number with separator input component for the web built with React.
Powerful, lightweight, and reusable OTP input component for Vue 3
- vue
- vue3
- component
- library
- otp input
- pincode
- otp
- input
- vue otp input
- vue 3 otp input
- one-time password
- one time password
- payment password
- vue composition API
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Code or pin code input for Angular 7 - 16+ / Ionic 4 - 7+ projects
is a tiny JS library for one time passcode (OTP). Supports smart input suggestion on iOS and code autofill on Android (it will be filled when you press the copy button on the SMS notification bar)
- react-native
- otp
- otc
- one time password
- one time pin
- one time pincode
- one time code
- sms
- verifcation code
- phone
- verification