Search results
22 packages found
A WebGL-powered JavaScript library for interactive tree visualisation.
Maintenance: 22%. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 4%.
JS library for visualising and comparing phylogenetic trees
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 43%. Popularity: 0%.
TypeScript/JavaScript methods for parsing and writing in Newick tree format.
Maintenance: 10%. Quality: 55%. Popularity: 2%.
Phylogenetic tree visualistion for the web
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 2%.
Community finding algorithm.
- louvain
- algorithm
- community
- finding
- ist
- tecnico
- luis
- rita
- warcraft12321
- phylogenetic
- networks
- application
- biomedical
- engineering
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 2%.
Generates a benchmark network upon input of a mix and average degree for each node in the graph.
- girvan
- newman
- benchmark
- algorithm
- synthetic
- network
- ist
- tecnico
- luis
- rita
- warcraft12321
- community
- finding
- phylogenetic
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 2%.
This algorithm assesses how similar are 2 input partitions of a given network.
- normalized
- mutual
- information
- ist
- tecnico
- luis
- rita
- warcraft12321
- community
- finding
- phylogenetic
- networks
- application
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 2%.
TnT tree display
Maintenance: None. Quality: 56%. Popularity: 3%.
A packaged version of Christain M. Zmasek's archaeopteryx.js phylogenetic tree viewer
Maintenance: 4%. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 2%.
Tree data manipulation for TnT
Maintenance: None. Quality: 56%. Popularity: 3%.
Infomap optimizes the map equation, which exploits the information-theoretic duality between the problem of compressing data, and the problem of detecting and extracting significant patterns or structures within those data.
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 0%.
Console line interface that process phylogenetic trees metrics.
- phylogenetic trees
- metrics
- robinson foulds
- cli
- phylo
- newick
- phylogeny
- phylogenetic
- triplet metric
- quartet metric
- compararison metrics
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 0%.
Layered Label Propagation is a semi-supervised machine learning algorithm that assigns labels to previously unlabeled data points. At the start of the algorithm, a (generally small) subset of the data points have labels (or classifications). These labels
- layered
- label
- propagation
- ist
- tecnico
- luis
- rita
- warcraft12321
- community
- finding
- phylogenetic
- networks
- application
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 0%.
Given 2 arrays, hamming distance is calculated between them.
- hamming
- distance
- ist
- tecnico
- luis
- rita
- warcraft12321
- community
- finding
- phylogenetic
- networks
- application
- biomedical
- engineering
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 0%.
Phylotree with react
Maintenance: None. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 2%.
A packaged version of Christain M. Zmasek's archaeopteryx.js phylogenetic tree viewer
Maintenance: None. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 0%.
TnT library for displaying trees and track-based annotations
Maintenance: None. Quality: 46%. Popularity: 2%.
React component (and hook) for phylogenetic tree visualistion based on @mkoliba/phylogeny-tree
Maintenance: None. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 0%.
React integration of Component and hook for phylogenetic tree visualistion.
Maintenance: None. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 0%.
Software to graphically display the results of a CAFE analysis
Maintenance: None. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 0%.