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remark plugin to support retext
Find clichés in your writings
detect passive voice
detect various forms of 'to be' inside of sentences
Naive linter for English prose
detect weasel words
Find adverbs in your writings
Find wordy or unnecessary passages in your writing
A JavaScript method for intelligently converting strings to title case
A custom Chakra UI component that adds ready-made styles for rendering remote HTML content.
A collection of functions useful for making prose more reader friendly. Inspired by Django's `django.contrib.humanize`.
parse Reviewers Edition numbers
spell Reviewers Edition numbers in English
compare Reviewers Edition numbers
Extendable literate programming
Create tweetable strings from prose (paragraphs, sentences, long words, urls, etc)
Vue components that enhance prose for the Baleada toolkit
detect German weasel words
Proselint wrapper with a friendly reporter
An Antora extension that provides the release notes presentation, using the product glossary for categorization.