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Renders PostHTML Tree to HTML/XML
Render JSX to an HTML string, with support for Preact components.
React library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text, autolink, and much more.
- interweave
- inject
- interpolate
- react
- string
- component
- element
- matcher
- filter
- clean
- url
- autolink
- emoji
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HTML template strings for the Browser with support for Server Side Rendering in Node.
Render HTML to Terminal
HTML Parser for NodeJS providing a lightweight object oriented interface
A micro HTML/SVG render
Converts markdown text to HTML. A readable stream plus utilities and web demo.
Safely parse HTML, SVG and MathML into React elements.
Pug loader renders Pug files into HTML or compiles them into a template function.
Instantiate an HTML Template
Renders quilljs deltas into HTML
Render Nunjucks templates to HTML
When dealing with HTML strings in Preact, our only real option is to use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`. This is fine(-ish) if you 100% trust the contents of that HTML, but regardless, it opens up potential vectors for attack, problems and bugs. Ideally, we'd
Render Hyperapp to an HTML string with SSR and Node.js streaming support
render domhandler DOM nodes to a string
Render HTML with native CoffeeScript templates. No magic, no fuss.
Lightweight dom diffing library with plain old html.
Converts HTML to Vue render functions, while giving the ability to swap out certain HTML nodes with Vue Components
Converts HTML to Vue render functions, while giving the ability to swap out certain HTML nodes with Vue Components