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408 packages found

Use logical properties and values in CSS

published version 8.1.0, a month ago225 dependents licensed under $MIT-0

Use the :dir pseudo-class in CSS

published version 9.0.1, 5 months ago224 dependents licensed under $MIT-0

Right To Left conversion for CSS in JS objects

published version 1.16.1, 2 years ago41 dependents licensed under $MIT

Detect the direction of text: left-to-right, right-to-left, or neutral

published version 2.0.1, 3 years ago158 dependents licensed under $MIT

Framework for transforming cascading style sheets (CSS) from left-to-right (LTR) to right-to-left (RTL)

published version 4.3.0, 7 months ago90 dependents licensed under $MIT

Material Components for the web RTL Scss helpers

published version 14.0.0, 3 years ago95 dependents licensed under $MIT

Library will help you to detect if the locale is right-to-left language.

published version 1.1.2, a year ago285 dependents licensed under $BSD-3-Clause

Fork of stylis-rtl, uses cssjanus under the hood to flip style orientations for RTL

published version 2.1.1, 3 years ago178 dependents licensed under $MIT

A common package of Essential JS 2 base libraries, methods and class definitions

published version 29.1.33, 4 days ago247 dependents licensed under $SEE LICENSE IN license

Convert CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left directions.

published version 2.3.0, 8 months ago24 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Utility library to determine and normalize Element.scrollLeft behavior

published version 0.2.1, 5 years ago71 dependents licensed under $MIT

PostCSS plugin to build Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Left-To-Right (LTR) and Right-To-Left (RTL) rules

published version 5.6.0, 3 months ago23 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Swiper/carousel component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support. Compatible with Android & iOS.

published version 3.9.1, 5 years ago209 dependents licensed under $BSD-3-Clause

high level and customizable side navigation

published version 1.1.0, a year ago57 dependents licensed under $MIT

Multi-Style Text Rendering Plugin for PixiJS

published version 7.4.3, 22 days ago4 dependents licensed under $MIT

A single / multiple, categorizable, customizable, localizable and searchable item picker (drop-down) component for react native which supports both Android & iOS.

published version 5.4.6, 2 years ago72 dependents licensed under $MIT

Enforce usage of logical properties and values in CSS

published version 5.0.1, a year ago12 dependents licensed under $CC0-1.0

Flip styles using rtl-css-js

published version 0.3.0, 6 years ago116 dependents licensed under $MIT

String Direction is a JavaScript library for detection of direction of `String` objects in JavaScript.

published version 0.1.2, 11 years ago22 dependents licensed under $MIT

A Storybook tool add-on to toggle html dir attribute between LTR and RTL.

published version 0.0.19, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT